Leveraging product knowledge to design a car to be driven by people with hearing loss

Ronee Medhi
4 min readJun 2, 2021

Hello there, Medium Community! Today, let’s delve deep into the realm of automotive and we unveil the latest marvels reshaping the automotive industry.

Let’s solve one of the real-life problems

Hearing loss often results in difficulty conducting day-to-day activities. Especially common amongst people aged (however not restricted to) within or above 50 years who might have some degree of hearing loss problem. There might also be a case where this can be caused by noise, disease, or heredity.

Since technology has always lent a helping hand to people, let’s connect more deeply to empower specially-abled people by using technology as a tool or support.

Technology changed — and changed us — in the past 20 years since the start of the millennium

This is a hypothesis on how LISTENer as a product, can be utilized — mostly focusing on people with hearing loss interacting with each other by taking the wheels.

It’s being said that

Curious people always ask questions and search for answers in their minds.

In my case, it’s the desire to know how to make one’s life easier.

I’m planning to share more of these posts frequently to walk through ideas and concepts by leveraging my product knowledge.

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